Impact Overview
I built a loan management dashboard experience from
0-to-1 for 180,000+ Earnest customers, increasing customer satisfaction rate by 20%+ and saving users 4 minutes per session.
Final Product (Desktop)
Mobile UI
Design Process
Phase 1: Discovery & Research
1) User Research: Based on our old dashboards, we crafted 3 user personas focussing on their primary objectives while using a loan dashboard.

2) Product Requirement Document: I collaborated with the Product Manager to build a PRD breaking down all the features and their priority along with a rollout plan.

3) UX Design: I collaborated with the Product Manager to build a PRD breaking down all the features and their priority along with a rollout plan.
Phase 2: Design, Test, Design
This phase involved months of iteration and user testing to improve constantly and get as close to a perfect product as possible before launch.
Phase 3: Developer Handoff
Finally, I handed the design off to developers with a component library and a well-annotated Figma file to ensure zero communication gap between development and design.

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