Project Overview

I have always wanted to take on a solo game project, and my final design thesis was the perfect excuse to finally work on one of the many ideas that often came up as I played video games.

Building levels in TileMap, mixing audio for the trailer, and programming a boss battle, all on my own was such a wonderful way of learning all the different aspects of game development and also help me nail down which aspect out of all am I most passionate about.

I took inspiration from Soulslike games, mainly Eldest Souls, and learned from many amazing YouTube channels like Brackeys!

Rafael Matos - Art
Armonian - Music
Game Description

Moksha is a Pixel 2D Top-Down RPG set in the mind of a soul going through the worst. The player takes on the role of the self and ventures deep into their mind to defeat guilt, misery, etc. with the goal of attaining eternal freedom. The game is heavily inspired by the Ancient Indian philosophical book known as the "Ashtavakra Gita"
Key Plot Elements

Based on the 5 principles to achieve true freedom as discoursed in the Ashtavakra Gita. These 5 principles will be my guide to designing the 5 levels in a non-linear manner as there is no implicit order to these principles.

1. Forgiveness
Main Boss fight: Guilt
Player needs to fight enemies depicting self-doubt, regret

2. Sincerity
Main Boss Fight: Insincerity
A level with the main gameplay loop of punishing the player for making the same mistake repeatedly.

3. Compassion
Main Boss Fight: Self-Blame / Self Hate
Player needs to dodge the pain inflicted upon himself by himself.

4. Contentment
Main Boss Fight: Obsessive Desire
Player keeps chasing something or the other but never succeeds

5. Truth
Main Boss Fight: Ignorance
Player tries to hold on to attachments and situations but doesn’t realize that that attempt is what makes the game fail.
In-Game Screenshots

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